I have recently left my slightly soul sucking dead end job and returned to the exciting world of real estate. That is a big change on many fronts. First of all, it means that instead of working nights I am home with the family at night. This is both great and terrifying. It's great to be able to see my kids in the evening, or to be around while everyone is hanging outside on the street while the kids ride bikes and bimbas up and down the street. Just as an aside, I understand that the plural of bimba is bimbot, but I refuse to use a word that sounds like the sefardic pronunciation of an inappropriate description of a type of woman that I certainly don't want to say my son was riding.
It is however terrifying to realize that for the first time, I am without any sort of salary, and am completely dependent on commission. Equally as terrifying, is the realization that I have no idea how anything happens in the house during these hours. The last time I was home for bedtime on a regular basis was 5 years ago. At that time we only had 2 kids and one of them was a baby. Bedtime with 4 actual kids scares me, and my kids can smell fear. This is why I have asked my nearly infinitely patient wife to ease me back into the system. If I suddenly was expected to handle bath and bedtime by myself, I have a feeling we would see some sort of situation where it would be the lost boys vs Hook. And as we all remember, Hook gets eaten by an alligator. My wife, understanding my completely rational fear of deadly water dwelling creatures like alligators and sharks, has been kind enough not to expect full participation right away, but rather has been easing me into it.
Change can also be exciting. I am really enjoying my new job. I actually look forward to going to work for the first time in years. I enjoy rejoining normal society again, going to work in the morning, coming home before midnight, meeting my neighbors, even helping with math homework, the rest of the homework my wife is better suited for.
All in all, change can be good, maybe I'll even have some spare change in my account at the end of the month, who knows. That would also be a good change.
You are already a success, I can't wait to see what else you will accomplish.